Friday, October 28, 2016


Be wary of the swallowing tide that whispers beneath the sheen of all things. From the pair of captured eyes staring back at you from the corner of the room, one from an old 80's LP vinyl record album cover and the other from the spine of a recently published hardcover biography of a popular comic book writer, it only takes the slightest gesture of the head to widen the scope of vision and pan across to reveal more examples. A pair of eyes in black and white whose lids are sewn to their upper cheeks respectively remain mutely on display upon a postcard of CLaWFiNger's album DEAF DUMB BLIND taped to the wall and the visage of the Joker glares back from his grimacing clown white mask leering on the cover of the latest DC comic sprawled on the coffee table. Various pairs of eyes from family photos stare back in their different degrees of emotion captured spontaneously during that moment the photographs were taken. Photographs like this seem to be one of the few things that are taken which end up remaining in our possession. A haunting process regardless of any which way you slice it. Because even after the photos have been left behind, we carry our memories of them with us until gradually, after we've traversed even more acreage of time, the images of them begin to fade in our mind. Eventually we forget about them altogether. In the end we must forget about ourselves. What other reason could there be for our existence than to celebrate it? Keep shining on.

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